I'm finally getting around to posting much of the material and tidbits that I picked up during board studying. I realized I have not yet uploaded any GYN pathology yet, so I figured I would start there...
Something new that I am incorporating in these "lessons" are links to virtual slides (via pathpresenter.net). As the boards have a good number of virtual slides, this is a GREAT website to utilize during board exams and in your routine practice. I have structured the GYN section by summarizing a few of the key features of each entity & providing a link to the virtual slide so you can identify these structures & engage. I find that having this "hands-on" approach to learning to be very useful.
Another new approach that I am going to be dabbling into is creating more youtube videos/tutorials. I am a total newbie when it comes to this, so please be nice & patient with me, haha. So far, only the fallopian tube & ovarian pathology have been uploaded, but more to come soon! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to email me. I love feedback!
Ovarian Pathology- Still in progress
External genitalia (dermatologic problems in female GYN pathology)
Vaginal pathology
Cervical pathology & Pap Smears
Uterus- Endometrial & Myometrial Pathology
Changes in Pregnancy
Placental Pathology
More detailed view of Hormonal regulation of GYN tract